Isha Foundation
关于 Isha Foundation Odoo实例, 开源ERP.
- Isha IMS
- Incident Management System - logging, recording, tracking, addressing, handling and archiving issues that occur in daily routine.
- 跟踪线索并关闭商机
- 网站
- 企业版网站创建器
- 项目
- 组织和规划您的项目
- 邮件营销
- 创建、发送和跟踪电子邮件
- 招聘
- 跟踪您的招聘渠道
- 员工
- 集中员工信息
- Inputmask Widget
- A Widget to make masks on form fields
- Isha CRM
- Ishangam app
- Isha Ishanga7%
- Join us for powerful meditations, musical performances and Satsangs with Sadhguru.
- Kshetragna
- Inspiration Aspiration Realization
- Isha livingspaces
- Isha Mega programs: Yoga is about rekindling the fundamental force of creation within you, to change the very chemistry of who you are. - Sadhguru
- Isha Megapgms
- Isha Mega programs: Yoga is about rekindling the fundamental force of creation within you, to change the very chemistry of who you are. - Sadhguru
- Isha Name Request
- Isha Name Request.
- Isha Health Solutions
- Isha Health Solutions is about rekindling the fundamental force of creation within you, to change the very chemistry of who you are. - Sadhguru
- Isha Samskriti
- Isha Samskriti with Sadhguru.
- Isha Satsang
- Isha Satsang is about rekindling the fundamental force of creation within you, to change the very chemistry of who you are. - Sadhguru
- Isha SSO Auth Generic
- Isha SSO Authentication Generic, it is mainly made for registration specific requirements.
- Isha Celebrations
- Join us for powerful meditations, musical performances and Satsangs with Sadhguru.
- Isha Marketing Automation
- Build automated mailing campaigns
- MuK Backend Theme
- Odoo Community Backend Theme
- Popup Message
- create Success, warnings, alert message box wizard,success popup message app, alert popup module, email popup module odoo
- Ir Ui View Cache
- Use this module to accelerate the load
- CallCampaigns
- Create call_campaigns and analyze answers
- SP Call Queue
- Create call_queues and analyze answers
- 活动
- 发布活动,出售门票
- 讨论
- 聊天, 邮件网关和私有频道
- 联系人
- 集中地址簿
- 日历
- 安排员工会议
- 预约
- Allow people to book meetings in your agenda
- 调查
- 发送或实时共享您的调查。
- 线上工作
- 管理线上招聘流程